
By Dollykgray

The temperature has dropped, as predicted, and it was 5 degrees all day - sleet is predicted for tomorrow. 
Daylight saving has ended, making the days noticeably shorter. This was taken at around 4.30pm from the supermarket car park. The skies are much more interesting at this time of year. When I got home there was more colour in the sky but not as dramatic as the main photo.
Thank you to everyone that participated in this month's Mono Monday Film Noir theme. It wasn't everyone's cup of tea but those who rose to the occasion presented some fantastic blips. This week is no exception and many took advantage of the alternative theme of Halloween. There were so many great Halloween entries that I have decided to award 5 stars to them tomorrow.
The Maltese Falcon Hearts go to:
Riwaka7 for the best drinking quote image
gordo for the best 'detective' image
winchwench for the best Sam Spade
Crispin25 for the 'getting ready to pull the job'
GEO2B for the best falcon.
I loved all the Maltesers - a link I hadn't thought of - and couldn't decide which was the best so they each get an honourable mention:
FrankStedwin,  greg_lovettIgorredilady

Mono Monday will be hosted by TheAphid and his first theme is HOT with the tag MM146.

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