Desert Squirrel

By PolS

Mesembryanthemum flower

Just got outside in time for a photo this afternoon, before the rain set in properly.  Just a few drops while I had my camera out.  (Well, R''s actually, as I'm experimenting with the Fuji macro).  I'm not sure whether I like the extra better than the conventional view above.  I like the way the reddish colour of the calyx matches the out-of-focus flowers behind.  

The sky is black with storm clouds, and we've had thunder, which is very unusual for here.  So I'll watch with interest in case there is any nice light to go with it. (Doesn't look promising, we don't get those exciting storms that occur in continental areas).

Using the Fuji camera is also forcing me to use Capture One rather than Lightroom, because I've found that Lightroom doesn't work very well with Fuji raw files.  I think that the adjustments in CO will be great when I get used to the program.  There seems to be more sensitivity than in LR, and the initial raw conversion is heaps better.

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