Amanda's photos

By AmandaProsser


These chaps are often called hedge sparrows, but they're not sparrows at all.  They're a quite different taxon called accentors (which sounds much better - like something from science fiction or Harry Potter).

They rarely go far and often have a very dull song; they only seem to know two or three notes.  And they're not brightly coloured and don't form huge majestic flocks.  Not everything about them is dull, though: they have very exciting and devious sex lives.

Actually, probably most small birds do, but the virtuous monogamy attributed to birds by the Edwardian and Victorian vicars who wrote most of the first generation of bird books (yes, Gilbert White was a vicar) was first shown to be a myth in studies of dunnock behaviour.  The dalliances and goings-on in dunnock society would make most libertarians take a sharp intake of breath.  Now, thanks to DNA studies, we know even more about what birds get up to, and it's NOT monogamy!

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