Bright and Beautiful

By ThingsBeautiful

The Long and Winding Road

After the beautiful weather yesterday woke up to a really muggy day and a headache. Again I had breakfast by the window with all God's glory in front of me :)

Just as I was about to set out on a walk to the little church (this time with my camera in my hand) the heavens opened and down came the rain. Fortunately it was only a shower, but this meant I had to go back and get my waterproofs in case it did tip it down. The sky was quite heavy!

I've collaged the route together with the church (and I couldn't miss out the image of sheep and her lamb, more about them later) and another image of the road going onwards. First up the avenue of long trees with the field to the right, then down the road with a very narrow footpath (some of it there is no footpath at all).

Yesterday morning I tried to go inside the church and it was locked, today it wasn't so I was able to step into the past. Its a very beautiful old church, but more recently a new window was installed to commemorate the millenium. Very beautiful it was too, but unfortunately my photograph doesn't do it justice!

I got back in time for the mid-morning coffee, and then the rain came down good and proper, so I spent some time in my room reading and praying.

After lunch I went to the prayer room at the very top of the house. I was sitting reading and writing right in front of the window when a massive heavy storm began. It was magnificent to watch from there, but quite scary too. The lightening was very bright and all over the place, there was hail and rain. It all went on for sometime. Later I went back to my room and realised I'd left the window open so there was a little flood, oops!

I've had a song in my mind all day:
Blessed be your name in the land that is plentiful, where the streams of abundance flow, blessed be your name..

You can listen to it here

The beauty and the peace I have whilst I am visiting Stanton is wonderful :)

Oh yes, I was going to tell you about the sheep and her lamb. The sheep have been in the field a couple of months now, both lambs and sheep (but the other lambs are older, and this one is still quite small). I was talking to one of the staff and she told me that the farmer had brought all the sheep (they lease the land) after shearing. One morning a few weeks ago she walked past the field, and saw this tiny lamb which had obviously been born in the night! Well the farmer hadn't even realised the ewe was pregnant, and she'd been sheared, still he hadn't realised, so that was a shock for everyone. So cute to watch the lamb feeding, unfortunately my photograph wasn't good enough to show on here!

Home tomorrow....

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