Pictures & Woodwork.

By PeterB

Mounting Pictures.

This is my first effort on mounting my own pictures.
I would normally keep them in a folder Catalogue so I can 'thumb' through them whenever.
I have recently joined a Camera Club, we all have a 'Set' subject we have to prepare for the beginning of December. I have bought all the kit to do this mounting and thought it would be fairly easy!!!......... Wrong!
Having not done it before my first mount was not cut straight or 'square', so cut some more white board but took a little bit more time over it and you can see it on the left of the shot above.
Actually this is a good bit of practice as we have a print and PDI evening and this will be judged at the end of this month.
The two shots you can see is for a members evening only.
If you find you are unable to obtain white board for your mounts, I will probably have used all the stock in the country!!!!

I hope you are all well. Tomorrow I am back in my w/shop to finish of a commission I have.
Take care.

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