woman at work

Anniemay is a hard worker.  Let me know if you need any decorating done - mates rates for fellow blippers.

I join her at Chris’ flat today.  The lift is still not working and I have to climb 5 flights of stairs before I even start on my allotted tasks.  

While Anniemay paints, I’m on flatpack furniture duty (assembly thereof).  I really don’t mind doing this - I think IKEA have got this down to a fine art and it all goes together quite quickly.  But there’s a lot of it and I’m exhausted by the time we finish.

Chris has the hardest job - carrying the furniture (and a dishwasher) up the stairs.  And it’s not just him; the builders released his whole block on the same day and so lots of people have been trying to move in.  We see a delivery team from John Lewis struggling to get an iron bed frame up to someone on the 3rd floor.

I’m wearing a 5-day heart monitor and it gives a few chirrups and beeps as my heart rate goes up and down throughout the afternoon.  That’ll give them something think about when they analyse the recording. 

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