Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Popular Dad

Not today.

I suggested a gentle stroll to the lady Hollows this morning, to get some cobwebs blown out and to avoid a lazy day. We walked along the Grindleford-to-Hathersage path by the river through the fields and woods - nice and flat. I got some shots to try out the Brenizer method in a couple of locations, but even though I shot in normal JPEGs, Photoshop is still trying to stick the first one together after 1 hour!!!!!! So, you get this shot of the girls instead of my experiment as it won't be done for a while I think.

Hathersage brought us:
- one of the best Roast Pork baps I have ever had (Hathersage Bakery)
- an ice cream each
- our first visit to Little John's grave
- a DNF for the only geocache in the village :( Been muggled

... before we walked back again, 7.5 miles and nearly 5 hours out in all. All legs were tired, although a promise of a play in the park once we returned kept the moaning subdued - I do like adding conditions to make life easier!

Think I'll suggest one with an incline next time to really boost my popularity :)

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