
Foxy Lady is having a very bad moult, I am not sure I've seen a chicken quite so bare before. Look closely and you can see all the spikes of the new feathers growing, they are still in their wax covering. Any day now the cover will split and she will have a layer of short feathers which at least will cover her bare skin. It reminds me too much of my Sunday roast when she looks like this!

Also if you look at her chest you can see her full crop hanging underneath. It shows she is eating well.

The temperature at night must be down to zero as we scrapped ice from the car this morning so I hope she is sleeping with the other two. I also hope her feathers open soon.

I let her out of the run, which is shady, for a while today and she immediately headed to the south facing wall where she had a sleep in the sun.

Later we headed out for a walk to one of my fav waterfalls so I have added that shot to the extras as I thought you would rather see a chicken in full moult than another waterfall. Moulting is something commercial chickens never get to go through.

It's fireworks night in the Gilp tonight but I'm not sure if we will be leaving the fireside.

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