Want to ride like this?

Then get a one of these!

There's a big craze for doing wheelies with the kids around here right now. I have no issue with it other than that there is a time and a place and many of these kids are oblivious to this. The worst one and the one that inspired this picture was on the way into work at 07:00 on Friday morning where I'm driving down a hill on a major road towards a bust junction and the guy in front of me on his bike is doing this. He is at liberty to injure himself any time and any how that takes his fancy but I object to being put at risk of being involved in the carnage that might ensue. Have you ever tried removing blood, and brains guts from a car? It's a real bugger if you let it dry.

56km ride today. Brass monkey weather out there so willie has gone AWOL as usual and Mick struggled towards the end. We need to get out more to improve both our fitness levels. 

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