Lazy Sunday Afternoon

Basil has been in pretty much this position all afternoon. And why not? It may be partly due to an interrupted night last night...

All is well now and we've all had a good laugh about it but half an hour after I fell asleep last night my phone rang and it was one of Son? (I won't name and shame him)'s friends at whose party he was, calling to ask if he could be collected as he wasn't very well, suffering rather badly from the ill effects of too much to drink. Mr DawnAgain had had a few drinks himself and wouldn't have been safe to drive so I got up and pulled some clothes on and set off towards Chiddingfold. I got as far as the Linchmere road when my petrol light came on and so I went back home again and got the key to Reggie instead (not wanting to drive Mr DawnAgain's car as it's too big or Ronnie because the seat belt is still to be fixed), who I first had to de-ice.

I got to Chiddingfold, having found a nice radio station on the way playing soft music, and parked up so I could look at the address I'd scribbled down in my half-awake state and put it into my Googlemaps app. Unfortunately, I hadn't brought my glasses and so it was a bit of a struggle and as I was trying to do this some flashing blue lights hared past and my heart skipped several beats. Fortunately, it was a Police car rather than an ambulance and it stopped at the site of the Chiddingfold bonfire on the green which was still burning.

I set off again with the satnav directing me and managed to find the house, which was in the middle of nowhere, and collect Son? to take him home. I have to say that his friends were all lovely and had been taking good care of him - they'd even packed all his things into his bag for him. Although he doesn't remember any of it, I found it very reassuring that the first thing he said when I turned up was, "Sorry, Mum" :)

Anyway, when we got back home, with a bit of help from Mr DawnAgain and Other Son, we got him to bed at around 1 am and all then managed to get to sleep. He is somewhat embarrassed about the whole incident and, you never know, he may well have learned a lesson about mixing his drinks! I now know what my parents went through with my brother ;)

So, we've had a quiet day at home today. I've even done some baking (a fruit cake and some flapjacks). Looking forward to a bit of David Attenborough later.

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