Autumn colours on the Black Isle

A lovely morning so we went for a walk through the Rosehaugh Estate. It did cloud over during our walk but there were lovely sunny spells too. Lots of panicky pheasants about who flew off noisily as we approached. A field of cows mooed loudly, geese honked overhead, a buzzard circled in the blue sky, shiny conkers lay on the grass waiting to be picked up and we looked out for the first visit ever of a Siberian Accentor, a very pretty brown bird which usually over winters in Southeast Asia which was ringed in Avoch this morning.
As we were driving back home the heavens opened and a glorious rainbow spread across the dark sky. A quick drive to the point where it had started to fade but I managed to get a quick shot before rushing back to the car to get out of the cold rain. One lone goose was there and I wonder if it was the same one that was here last year by itself.

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