
For a long time my ambition - or one of them - was that one day I would live in a deconsecrated church. In fact, I was delighted when Iain Banks' protagonist in 'Espedair Street' did just that; I saw it as evidence that Iain and I had that fancy in common. 

Over the years, that urge has waned but I was still excited a couple of years ago when I made the acquaintance of someone who had realised that ambition. I was at the church today, although he's now converting it into a base for his business while he moves elsewhere. 

These stained glass windows are at the east end of the church, where the altar (and apse?) would once have been. It's funny because I'm not sure how I feel about it now, actually being in a church that has become a home. On the one hand, I'm glad the building is being cared for, yet it's odd to see artefacts that were once imbued with meaning become little more than features, albeit beautiful ones.

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