
By Kitrushing

Sunday Colors (but still no rain)

Driving into the neighborhood from church this morning, I was struck again by the colors of fall. I stopped to use my old iPhone to capture the moment.

We see so many fall color pictures at this time of the year, they are almost a cliché... the beautiful reds, yellows, oranges against the azure sky. Photographs come close, but they don't really capture the mood and feel of the cool air, the falling leaves, and the memories with which they fill the air.

Our problem here in East Tennessee is the continuing drought. We have not had any significant rain in several months. North Georgia and southeast Tennessee farmers are beginning to sell their livestock. Hay fields are drying out. Crops are shriveling in the fields. Lawns are roasting in the fall heat and dryness.

Fortunately here in Chattanooga, we take our water from the Tennessee River. Unfortunately for many surrounding communities, water sources are drying and water is being rationed.

But, it all is part of the cycle of life... so let's keep smilin' ...and let's keep hope.

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