Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


This morning we went to the park to meet up with Master Pink's friends. It was lovely and sunny, and good to catch up with the other mums too. Miss Pink played dinosaurs with one of the bigger boys, and checked up on one of the bigger boys doing a wee in the bushes!!

Back at home we had lunch in the garden, and then after some chill out time. And then we did some baking...banana cake and prepared some cookie dough ready to bake tomorrow. It was fun and long overdue. But I must remember that you must be very clear with your instructions when baking with small people. I seperated an egg for the cookie dough and asked Master Pink to hold the egg yoke in the egg shell until we were ready. When Miss Pink had finished mixing the batter I asked Master Pink to put the yoke in the bowl. I didn't specify which bowl though. SO....the yoke went in with the white again!!

The mini pinks have done some great playing today. Cars this morning with a big monster car; and this afternoon playing with their hobby horses and putting them in the stable (playhouse). Love them.

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