
By Beewriter


....for cricket nets at sunset? Ha ha ha. (with a bonus helicopter too)

I had sort of planned in my head that I would go to the cinema today. I haven't been for at least five years as I've built up a bit of a thing about it (Yes, I know, I am weird...sigh), I want to see The Light Between the Oceans as it is one of my favourite books, but I couldn't muster up the energy.

 I sat and finished off my book My Grandmother sends Her Regards and Apologies by Fredrik Backman and then I had a good cry....not because it was sad, or happy, or funny or anything (I don't want to put a spoiler in here as it is a fabulous book) but just because it was so good and I couldn't help myself. It took a while for me to pull myself together....

So, what to do instead of the cinema? I thought I would go into town and get a print of the Thelma and Louise shot done. I could have a wander and take some pics. I spent ages on the photo faffing around and then when I was going to put it on a stick I realised I had done the wrong pic...Grrr. I had a stropette and decided not to go to town and instead I would clear out a chest of drawers.....

It was a half hearted effort, but I did manage to throw some stuff away. I got too engrossed in old photos and bits and bobs I had forgotten about. I then found a pack for making your own bunting and I started doing that. I seemed to have no concentration for anything today.

I did manage to wander out to the Cricket Club to take a few photos as the light was dipping, but that was it. Ah well, my mini break is now officially over and it is back to work tomorrow. It has been a lovely five days.....roll on the beginning of December when I have another week off :))

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