Rob Coombe Photography

By CoombeDog

Mo Farah

This is Mo on the final lap on his way to Olympic Gold in the 5,000m to add to the Gold he won in the 10,000m last Saturday.

The noise throughout the entire race that followed him around the stadium was incredible. This is on the bend before the home straight where it looked like he was going to be caught, but in the last 50 metres he found the extra and took the Gold, which he later said was purely down to the support from the crowd!

It was amazing, I lost my voice and was shaking. Incredible feeling, so unbelievably glad to have been there, especially with Jess, what a moment.

As if I couldn't have been any happier I then got to see my other favourite athlete, Usain Bolt, and all the sprint superstars, Yohann Blake, Tyson Gay and Justin Gatlin in the Men's 4 x 100m relay. Jamaica smashed the world record and Usain celebrated with the Mobot! Another unbelievable moment to witness, boy were they fast!

The session also included the Women's high jump final, Mens Javelin final, Women's 800m final, and the Women's 4 x 400m relay final. But in truth it was all about Mo in the 5000m and Jamaica in the 4 x 100m.

We spent most of the day in the Olympic Park just having a look around and soaking up the atmosphere. Randomly bumped into some old Uni mates, Matt and Jenna, as well as meeting up with two of my closest mates Paddy and Soph, who also had tickets for the athletics.

To top the day off, after the athletics we walked over to the BBC TV studio and saw David Beckham as he was being interviewed, along with one of our Gold medalist rowers, Kath Grainger.

Simply the best day ever, one I will never, ever forget!

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