Fighting the forces of Evil

He felt as though his life were a sitcom. Not because it was funny - how many sitcoms are funny? It was more the way the way that things failed to move on. Sure, things happened to him - often as a result of a series of unfunny coincidences - but it always seemed to work out in such a way that everything ended up exactly as it was before.

Take last week... As a result of a misunderstanding, he had been under the mistaken impression that his neighbour harboured a secret passion for him. After a series of hideously embarrassing conversations, things had finally been cleared up. As usual.

And this week, whilst trying to follow his great-grandmother's recipe for Christmas pudding, he had accidentally summoned a demon from the Seventh Circle of Hell. It was upsetting and annoying (and not in the least bit funny) but he was pretty sure that it would all get sorted out one way or another. And in a way that didn't reflect well on him.

As usual.

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