Scapa Bay - wind getting up.

I delivered CMC through to the Lynfield for a meeting of the retired Teachers.  I then carried on to the Balfour Hospital where CMC’s mother had a meeting with a consultant up from Aberdeen.  She got good news which was a relief.  I then took m-in-law home and prepared to make her lunch.  However, instead I immediately had to take her to Viewfield to see friends (via her other daughter’s).  I was then phoned and texted to say that the next two Hoy boats had been cancelled so I had to arrange for a lift to Houton and then to meet Christine who would be getting on the Hoy Head at Flotta.  They would get off the boat together at Lyness and Christine would drive them up to Hoy.  Confused ?  Why not wait until tomorrow’s episode where it all resolves itself and the Minister has an affair in the coal hoose with the postie.  It never gets any easier.


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