The Picture Taker


Happy 94th!

The gentleman in the middle of this picture will be 94 tomorrow.  
A friend of mine said it all: "At our weekly Madison South Rotary meeting today, our club held a "surprise" 94th birthday party for long time Rotarian and honorary club member Tom Lucas. Tom simply is "America's Greatist Generation." A United States Army Veteran and member of the 82nd Airborne, Tom took part in the WWII D-Day invasion in Normandy. A decade later, the Army would call upon Tom again during the Korean War. Upon retiring from his military career, Tom had attained the rank of Lieutenant and decorated with FOUR Purple Hearts. After the Army, Tom attained a Masters Degree from UW Madison, went to work for the State of Wisconsin, and eventually retired as a DOC Probabtion & Parole Agent. "

We are lucky to know him!

On a side note, I got this comment on the photo: "Thanks, Kathy!  Difficult to see individual faces in back rows, but the club's honoring Tom Lucas comes through clearly."  Wouldn't it be nice if people just stopped with "Thanks"?

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