
By sarah1708

Visiting friends

I left work at midday and went to meet Hugo and Amy who were arriving off the train. They had been travelling around the UK seeing various friends and family, before the head off to Nepal and then New Zealand tomorrow. I was one of their last stops, and it was great that I got to spend most of the day with them. We wandered around Cambridge, following the river Cam and avoiding the rain as much as possible. We also looked around a museum before heading to the pub and waiting for Rory and Byron to arrive (who live nearby to Cambridge). 

The four of us then went to formal dinner together and everyone seemed very excited by the idea of sitting upstairs and seeing everyone in their gowns. Afterwards we sat around and talked in the bar until late, and it was great to catch up with all of them again :) I really hope that Hugo and Amy have a fantastic trip!!  

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