Carol's ramblings

By Lucari

Fresh start .....

Winter is beginning to show its head with the start of the frosty mornings and cold air (where you look like you are blowing smoke out of your mouth).

Started the day as usual - lovely walk with lili, fresh and crisp. Back home and domestic chores. Then into town to get some photographs of my ma & pa-in-law (their wedding day) copied for my brother-in-law. Onto the supermarket, then on to mum. My sister has knitted some "twiddlemuffs" and mum was happy to have one, using it to keep her hands warm. Dropped into pa-in-laws flat to check everything ok, then in to brother-in-laws to drop photos in before returning home for lunch!

Restful afternoon - joined a challenge to make a Christmas postcard, so spent the afternoon playing. I will post it when I finish it. (Last years was posted on 26 November.)


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