
By Legodude

Ice Raiders: Episode #10

Click here to start at episode 1

Alquist (military uniform): “Thank-you stranger, what are those things, and what are you”?

Lundor (left): “My name is Lundor, sole survivor of the Leopard Tribe. Those who attacked you are ice raiders, looking for Chi crystals to steal. Why are you here, outsider? It is very foolish for you to venture into the wilderness”
Alquist: “I’m Division Commander Alquist, from the Oxfordland 1st armoured infantry. Our mission is to seek potential threats to our country coming from the wilderness. A savage wolf like creature killed a lot of people just over the border in Oxfordland, we’re here to make sure that doesn’t happen again. Guess we’ve found what we’re looking for”.

Lundor: The ice raiders have no real interest in outsiders, they only attacked for sport”.

Alquist: Would you be good enough to accompany me to the main body of our expedition and tell this to General Varnavas?

Lundor: As a rule, we of the wilderness do not get involved with outsiders, but I will do as you request. There are many here who would delight in killing you all, even without the ice raiders.


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