Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Critical Fail

Well, bloody shit. Today the USA tried to roll up a new president. The dice were not kind.

The result, I admit, is not what I expected; certainly not what I hoped for. Drumpf the Tiny-fingered will be given the US nuclear codes - and maybe his people will even let him use his Twitter account again. It really saddens me that this lamentable excuse for a human has been able to fan such hate that he has been handed the highest office in the (US) land. Because make no mistake, hate is what it had to be.

As I told my children, when they were exclaiming about how they hate Donald Trump, there is no point in hating him; hate simply breeds more hate, and everybody loses. The only way to beat such hate, is with love.

Not for Drumpf the Tiny-fingered, of course.

For everyone else.



Also important in politics of course.

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