
By Shin

New beginnings

As some may know I started some time ago as a portrait photographer. Something which I've really been wanting to do is to be able to do wedding photography. I've done a reportage for friends about 10 years ago. A very informal wedding and it was just that they asked me, because they wanted to be sure that all the major things about the wedding were photographed. I gave them the negatives and we kind of lost contact, so I have no real record of having done that wedding. Of course the problem of becoming a wedding photographer is where to start. With portrait photography, it's easy enough to build a portfolio by beginning with your own kids and their friends. But without a portfolio, who is going to ask you to do their wedding. Luckily I heard that the music teacher in my kids' school had plans to get married. Very small, very informal. I found out they hadn't planned on an official photographer, so I offered to take their pictures in return to be able to use them in my portfolio. They accepted, so today we drove down to Chichester. Beautiful surroundings. Can you imagine to have the luxury of having a sign like that. Obviously not now, but what a sight that must be in Springtime to see a Peacock's nest above your head. i wonder how big they are. Made me wonder that I've never seen a baby peacock before.

Anyway for this couple new beginnings as a married couple. It's not my best picture, but still I like it. Of course made me think about the changes blip is about to encounter. I've decided for various reasons not to stay. In short I'm not happy as to how blipcentral has decided to continue. But since I feel I've made friends here, I won't leave immediatly, but will end my journal with the end of this year.

I'll say it again, but many thanks to blipcentral for what they have made possible for other people to enjoy and laid such a pleasant foundation for what possibly might well be the best online community out in cyberspace. MANY MANY HUGE THANKS to everybody who has stopped by my journal both occasionally and of course those who left comments on a regular basis.

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