Confessions of an Agnostic III

True confession: I've been going to church. And I've kind of been liking it.

I started reluctantly going because my daughter was the one who wanted to go. She'd been asking questions about church and religion off and on for some time. I've struggled with answers -- mostly because I want her to come to her own conclusions without dictating my own beliefs (or disbeliefs). Apparently, I'm not the only parent faced with this dilemma.

We started attending the local Unitarian Universalist church, and over the course of the year she's been learning Bible stories as literature, and I've learned that a large number of adults in the congregation are either agnostic or atheist, too.

Today, the last service of the school year, my daughter was presented her own children's Bible. A year ago I would've cringed and objected, but I've seen her grow spiritually with an open mind over the past year, and she has learned to appreciate the stories as a body of literature. I've also grown and realized a "church" doesn't necessarily have to be religious.

So, I've actually enjoyed going and being surrounded by kindred spirits. I also like, however, that this church takes the summers off :)

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