Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

Paddy the Plumber is here

... and no my sitting-room is not on fire.

My central heating gave up the ghost last week just as the cold weather kicked in. (Murphy's Law)

So I rang Paddy 'no problem Jean, I won't see you stuck'

So he is taking all the rads off the walls to flush them.

A ton of black muck came out of last one - it was unbelievable. 'Jean that's cos you used to run them off a back boiler' - 'I know Paddy, I know'

Meanwhile I am sitting in the kitchen with 2 of the gas jets on to keep me warm'

It's 9.50am now - Paddy has his 'cup of scald' at 10.30 and he loves a curranty bun with it.

Just sayin'

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