Just the Withers......

By JaneW

1976 I believe .....

I had 56 million slides that my Dad had taken in the decade of the 70s and some early 80s... I whittled it down to about 280 that we could keep and then had them all put onto a disc by a fabulous local company (legacy photographic ) it's been really really emotional looking at these ... one thing I have noticed is my mum is ALWAYS glamorous .. even when she's just sat on a beach reading the paper ... no wonder men ogled my Mum !!! I of course have inherited this ... ;-)
That's me by the way .. pulling a face having my hair brushed ...

My Dad only ever used Minolta cameras ..he used to spend an awful lot on his camera equipment .. I've still got it all here .
Expect more converted slides from yesteryear.

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