Still lingering....

Another earlish walk this morning, out to the Woodland Trust and Majors Lake and back via Mallards Lake. Spotted this single defiant tree at Majors Lake with its pleasant reflection. Prior to that today's blip was going to be an old goat in the adjacent field or, the extra, the Trust volunteers laying a new path. Lots of blokes there all watching one bloke dig the step!

Later we went to Millbrook Garden Centre to check over a few details about Susan's hobby room but really the purpose was to have a coffee and a scone. Neither disappointed. And in the end we came away with a totally different (and better) design for the room.

A quiet afternoon while Susan was out at the hospital with her Mum, which enabled me to get a few jobs done.

The evening was spent out with Chris and Wendy at our regular monthly haunt; The Society Rooms, a Weatherspoons place. It was curry night and a good curry helped make a good evening.

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