
By SpotsOfTime

There is a crack in everything

Another very sad day with the death of Leonard Cohen (I wish he'd got the Nobel Prize).
This shot is of Sprint Bridge that was cracked and damaged after the floods of nearly a year ago and was opened again this week. Still so many not back in their homes yet ... the repercussions of the floods continue to be felt. It'll make it a bit easier getting out of Kendal  and onto the A6 at the end of the day..

More calls planning mum's service. Cohen's Anthem for some reason set me to thinking of having St Paul's Letter to the Corinthians ...without love I am a clanging bell/cymbal. Trouble with these things is I always have a tendency to think of the Pythons and a Palin like figure sitting down to write a letter .. Dear Messrs Corinthians ....

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