Give Me Caffeine....

By Caffeinated


An early start at 7am.
Breakfast and back to play with the duplo! The whole box got tipped out and he got busy. I sat on the sofa, drank my coffee and watched.

Later on I suggested soft play and he jumped at the chance, quite literally.
So shower, both got dressed. I ended up having to chase him round upstairs as he was hyper.
At this point I had had enough and wanted to go home. Nothing to do with Lewis; I just had had enough of being around someone and having the responsibility.
Soft play, I bought an hours worth and he lasted 10mins. Went round the 1-4 age area then went round the 5-10 age area with me then started to cry 'out, want out'. As we were at the very bottom we had to work our way out with him crying.
He wouldn't tell me why, just wanted out.

Onto the beach for a wander and a run and draw on the sand.

Home, where he realised he had tipped sand onto the mat from his trousers. He ran through, brought his henry the hoover and hoovered it all up (it works).

By this point I was about climbing the walls. Was struggling to talk, and do things and he was demanding lunch. 
Lunch given, Lewis goes back to the duplo and me the  sofa.

S and K came home around 1pm. I left, went for  a coffee with my book then headed home.

I did enjoy the time with him, I am just not cut out to be with someone for an extended period of time and have this kind of responsibility.
I know for sure, 3yrs ago, I wouldn't be like this.

Backblipped yesterday.

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