View from the croft gate

By Croftcrafts

Melon seeds

Nothing much doing today except a few phone calls in the morning. on Wednesday a carrier was suppose to come and pickup my camera but they didn't come so I phoned the insurance company and told them I would just deliver it to Inverness. While I was away yesterday a carrier came to pick up the camera and hubby gave it to them and they put it in a special box. Unfortunately I had put the camera into it's originally box with the two discs and the receipt and the insurance certificate and my hubby didn't know and he gave the man the box with everything in it. I hope when it arrives at the place in Surrey they will know who belongs to the camera as I hadn't put any name on it.
Today was the ususal visit to Scourie shop and up to Pete and Gill's with the eggs where we usually have a coffee and a blether. Weather today was mostly dry with a few very small showers.

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