Ina's Snippets

By ina


"We change the world not by what we say or do,
but as a consequence of what we have become."

~ Dr. David Hawkins ~


Mr Snippets went to work today, he was back at 3pm - I took the chance to move the furniture around in our office :) The flow is much better now and at least I don't have to peek over my screen to see him while we chat!

Extremely hot day!

After a afternoon nap we were back in the office and worked until 2am! Nice and cool!

With all the ghaos in the office today, I totally forgot to blip something :)

This was literally blipped a minute or two before 12pm!

Gigi's progress will follow tomorrow :)


"The state of your life
is nothing more than a reflection
of your state of mind."

~ Wayne Dyer ~

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