Sleeping for England

The picture of innocence.  Who would ever have guessed that she was a bit naughty when I went to collect her from the cattery.  I've told you she loves it there and they love her - well, when the owner went to put her in her cat box, she decided she wanted a bit more holiday.  She thinks she owns the place and she ran off and hid in the kitchen.  Furbie calls the shots whether she's on her favourite chair here, or charming the girls !

Blip tells me that this is a milestone blip so it's appropriate that I take this chance to say just how relieved and thrilled I am that Blip is continuing and going strong.

I've made so many friends and had so much  wonderful fun from this special website that it's time to say a very big thank you to everyone concerned.  That, of course, ranges from the team who saved us from Polaroid, to my friends who encourage and help me with my photography.

I've learned so much.  I've noticed so much. And I feel a though I've shared so much delight and friendship....... long  may it all continue.

Meanwhile, Furbie continues to sleep for England - in this troubled world, that's probably the best way to be  xx

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