
By sarah1708

Back in Cambridge

I am absolutely exhausted and haven't managed much today at all! My trains were delayed last night due to all the rain, and I didn't get much sleep whilst I was in St Andrews due to early mornings and late nights from being so busy! My supervisor came in today and told me that the code  I thought was okay was missing out an important part (which would need to be included throughout and would take a long time to sort). He sent me some example code and I tried to start altering mine to work but I gave up very early on because I just couldn't concentrate. I'm hoping that after a good night of sleep tonight, I will be able to sort all of my code very easily tomorrow. Fingers crossed! 

I did manage to get my clothes from the weekend washed and my shoes cleaned and out to dry though (I'm really hoping that the ribbon holding them there doesn't break...) 

I will hopefully back blip tomorrow when I'm feeling less like falling asleep!

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