Just the Withers......

By JaneW

My birthday eve....

DDLC arrived this evening with a bag of goodies for me ... wrapped in the very paper that she misbehaved with (the roll she used as a pokey stick) the other day .. also along with my EXCELLENT haul she had a gift for me from Blipper LeeAnne whose become a dear friend and almost lodger as she stays for months on end but it's ok as she brings her own ashtray... cunning LeeAnne sent my gift to DDLC to thwart me opening it to early ... anyway she got me some of my most favourite brand of pumps (little lace up plimsolls to you old people ) I shall blip them at a later date ...

Blip is my new rabbit origami lamp from DDLC ... I love love love it !!! I'd actually demanded a year ago she find me one and buy it.. HOWEVER as I have the attention span of a gnat I'd forgotten my bratty outburst so imagine my excitement at seeing rabbity lamp once again .

MY BIRTHDAY IS TOMORROW .. the 15th .. just so you are quite clear .

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