I can't see it!

The NHS has really excelled itself for me, I had an appointment at the eye clinic this morning. So that's Thursday eye test, Friday GP, Monday phone call for appointment and today appointment.
My friend Kath picked me up as they were going to put drops in both eyes. Saw the nurse for another eye test, then into the doctor after the eye drops had dilated the pupils. A thorough horrid eye examination with bright lights where she diagnosed a macular hole in my left eye then off for a scan. I saw the scan and could see the hole on the retina at the macular.
This is the tree in my front garden and its still clinging onto the leaves. To explain a macular hole, when I look directly at the writing on my photo with just my left eye there is no writing, it disappears. I can see something only with my peripheral vision!
I have now been referred to Liverpool eye hospital for an operation. I asked the doctor to put in her letter that I'm away until mid December. I hope they don't contact me whilst I'm away.
I am really lucky and fortunate family and friends have offered to look after me when I have the op which I hope will be in the new year now.
The tickets for my holiday arrived today , I'm starting to get excited.

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