Come into the Garden

By aprecious

Early to bed?

"Early to bed, early to rise,
Makes a dog healthy, wealthy and wise.."
Traditional saying

This rising early is, apparently, killing my owner though. She says she is missing out one of the crucial steps. Sleep! I think the ability to sleep anywhere, at any time makes dogs superior beings...


Obviously, I can't answer questions on Master mind. Or University Challenge. Or indeed Pointless...

No, obviously I cannot do sudoku or the Guardian quick crossword... Or a word search puzzle ... Or hangman...

I hate it when she gets picky...

I think dogs' ability to sleep anywhere makes them superior beings some of the time.

Happy now?

(aprecious is quite grumpy without sleep)

Snotty forgot to secure Maud's cage yesterday and, working at the top of the house, I had no idea she'd got out. Who knows how long Maud had roamed free? She re-appeared immediately when called but was absolutely soaked! Bet she had a great time charging about for an hour or so. Good job we have lots of land hereabouts and good job we're nowhere near a road!

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