Cake or Brownies?

When we started out walking to the building with the oven, our plan was to make brownies for Ning's birthday. About half way through the 5 minute walk, Ning asked, "Do you know how to make cake?"

"Sure, as long as I have a recipe." I responded.

The past two years of life in Thailand has taught me a bit about Thai culture and personality. What Ning was really asking was, "Can we make cake instead of brownies?"

So we looked up a recipe when we got to the oven building and gave it a try. Luckily the only ingredient in this cake that wasn't in the brownies was milk and 7-11 is just a 3 minute walk away. If it turns out ok and there's any left over, I'll post a picture tomorrow.

But for today, you get some of the nature from outside while the brownies cake was cooking.

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