and through the wire...

By hesscat

Chinny Chin Chin

Yes, please don't worry, I cleaned and combed it, there should be nothing left in it that shouldn't be in it... although I am not quite sure what should be in it.

An interesting fact (for me anyway), came to light today... last night... I began growing a beard back in early 2007 (it's difficult to tell given I am usually taking photos rather than appearing in them), I think I was working from home for 3 weeks which allowed me to get a head start. I generally hated shaving, always taking a layer off my skin and only ever did it once or twice a week. It was good to break free of that routine.

Last night I felt the tingle in my lips of a coleslaw (#slo4yo) so was a bit worried I didn't have anything to treat it. But luckily, I found a box of Compeed... those translucent patches that seal it all up and speed up the healing. The were lots of them there. Yeah so, use by 2009-12. Eh... almost 7 years old, plus I must have had them for some time before that.

So what's the point of this... a knock on effect of stopping shaving, I no longer get a yearly cold sore and I think this is only my second in 10 years, with the last one being 7 or 8 years ago. I have been lucky that both times they have been on exposed areas, i.e. there are not hairs growing through the area preventing the use of these patches. Did I say how good they are?

I do hate getting these sores, and even more so pre-patch-era... I can remember them as far back as I can remember anything, although that time I stood in cement and left my wellington boot in it might beat that. I am sure my maw will remind me, we used to call them tigers... maybe we didn't and that's how I heard it.

So apologies, if I put anyone off their supper or breakfast... I just wanted to note an important fact in my journal.

#slo4yol - secret life of 4 year olds, channel 4, fab program, takes me back (12 years... unshaven)... 5 year olds next week.

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