Ramblings from Zambia....

By dcafrica

Lunch time....

What a day!  I began the day by going to a funeral of my ministers wife's father.  We just went to the house and did not go to the burial as it would have taken most of the day, but I am glad I went!

Then I was taken to get my National Registration card which states 'Aliens Registration Card' at the top!  We were told to come back in the afternoon.  

Off we went to visit an American run school which is about an hours drive north of Lusaka.  It was really interesting as we learnt how they are trying to become sustainable within Zambia, but realistically, I doubt if it will ever be the case as they rely on so much aid from the US.  However, seeing their nursery school gave me some ideas for what we can do with our limited resources here.  The picture is of the helpers putting out the lunch for the day - beans, rice and green vegetables!  Unfortunately we could not stay for lunch as I had to go and do the rest of the National Registration card process.

Got back to the NRC place and my documents were checked.  I was then told to go and wait under a tree for my photo to be taken!  Eventually after a long time a lady came (they were waiting for enough people before they could take the photos)!!  Then we went back and waited for the cards to be produced - same story, we had to wait until everyone was done before they would laminate the cards!!  But hey, now I am registered as an alien so it was worth it!!

Took my boss back to his office and arrived home just before dark, only to find that there was no electricity!  So....I couldn't post my blip!

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