A Dawgs Breakfast

By DawgGal

Spending Quality Time with the Kids

On the left is Wonder Woman, 2012 edition (aka me) and Smiley Man (aka my baby boy) getting ready to have some fun in the mud, doing the 'Tough Guy & Gal Challenge' in Rotorua. It's only a 12km course, but lots of fun can be had negotiating the natural and manmade obstacles, kinda like an army style obstacle course. We've done it a few times, great fun!
On the right is Wonder Woman again, after having to pull out with a rolled ankle (#*!@arrrgh^#!@), hence the miffed look on my face. But you get an idea on what's involved, seeing the 'change' in appearance :)
Smiley Man finished without further interruption. See him finish here!!

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