
By FloydOnFilm

Show Time

Pink Floyd AlbumTracks - Day 18

"More Blues" from "Soundtrack From The Film More (1969)

Today was the 172nd Allendale Agricultural Show described as "The Norths Premier Village Show" established in 1839.

On offer for your £5 entry fee was a wonderful eclectic mix of entertainment. In the large tent were all the usual competitions for cakes, scones, jam, chutney, handicrafts, photographs etc etc. The arguments over who makes the best victoria sponge cake will probably go on for several weeks. You can be sure that nobody will agree with the judges apart from the lady who won the massive first prize of £3.00.

Outside there was a sheep show, dog show, tug of war, Cumberland and Westmorland wrestling and wherever you looked there were small children with very large helmets sat on ponies of all shapes and sizes. My personal favourite at these events are the Birds of Prey displays and today was no exception. My eye however was caught by the competition for best "rough bitch". I spent some time pointing out to my wife those individuals who I thought would qualify for such a title until I was told to shut up and stop being rude about people who were probably very nice if I just took the time to get to know them. She's probably right but I still think some of them would benefit from a quick look in the mirror before they leave the house.

We had to leave before the end of the show so missed the delights of The Backworth Colliery Band but all in all it was a grand day out.

There may be some of you who have read this far who are wondering what today's blip has to do with the chosen album track. You can be forgiven if you do not recognize the sheep as Blue Faced Leicesters and as we had seen another pen with the same breed in I thought it fair to describe these as 'more blues'.

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