Rothesay meets Rothesay

I was at the Bute Highland Gaems in Rothesay today with Cllr Isobel Strong, one of the Councillors for the island and now the Civic Head ,or Provost , of the whole of Argyll & Bute.

She was wearing the "Rothesay Chain" which I have blipped before, and she was introduced to this couple who had come all the way from Rothesay, New Brunswick. His boss at work in Canada was also a "Brandane" , whose family had been deeply involved in the Games many years ago.

The disaspora is in evidence throughout Scotland during the summer, and never more so than at events like this. They are also occasions for meeting people closer to home - in the course of twenty minutes in the Games Tent this afternoon I met Brian Hunter, who was the local Manager of the Bank of Scotland whenI lived in Benbecula in the 1970's , and then Carol Greer who used to work for me at Network Scotland in the 1980's. I don't think i can have seen either of them for almost two decades, or perhaps more.

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