
By NickMog

The Fourth Most Expensive Thing Ever

Went with CMI to Lincolnshire today to visit her Mother. On the way, we stopped in Northampton and bought the fourth most expensive thing that we have ever bought*. It's a car**. It's not new, but it's a lot newer than the car that it will replace.
The salesman was clearly an experienced negotiator but he met his match today. We managed to get £250 for the old car and a piece of wire to connect a phone to the car radio thrown in. I imagine that his boss gave him a hard time after we had gone.

And we stopped and ate our sandwiches near this church in Stanwick.

*The top three things were all houses. Although a truer accounting might see the two kids being moved up to Gold and Silver positions with the car coming in at number 6.
**What sort of car? A Red one!
Oh, all right, a Mini Cooper which, in a game of Top Trumps, would beat the Morgan on "Number of gears" by two!

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