
This is the door between my kitchen and sitting soon. Its never closed and its covered in Hearts and a Calendar.

This month shows a picture of me and my Babies. My Babies havn't been together like this since.....I can't remember....probably since this picture nearly 2 years ago!

But in 3 days time, they will all be back together again. Samuel Squidget is coming up from Cornwall on Wednesday and Daughter Number 2 is coming home from over a year travelling across Asia and Australia on Thursday. We are all meeting at Daughter Number 1's house for Dinner on Thursday, ready for their Grandads funeral on Friday.

Whilst a very large part of me is excited to see them all together again, Im also feeling a bit stressed about it because for over a year, I have not had to worry about the fact Mr W and DN2 don't get on. They don't get on to the point they can't be in the same room, let alone same house together. And that makes me very sad.

Mr W and I have been together for 7 years now. I think thats enough time to prove ourselves as a couple. Long enough for the hurt and upset the divorce caused to ease. Time to mend bridges and for everyone to be happy. Because guess who's the one stuck in the middle of all this!

Daughter Number 1's big plan is to have Christmas here this year. She is hoping to work on Daughter Number 2 so we can all have a nice family day together. But the closer it gets, the more stressed about it I am feeling. May be my expectations are too strong. Maybe some people just don't ever 'get it'. Maybe she doesnt even want to come.

Im a great believer in Christmas being a day where you do what you want. See who you want to see and not have to stick to family traditions or be forced to spend it with "the parents" because that's what's expected. That maybe because I spent every Christmas (all 24!) for the entire time I was married with my In-Laws because thats what 'he' did. No, No. 

But nothing would make me happier this year than to have all 3 of my Babies AND my Husband, Happy, Together, with Me.

Im not feeling very positive and wish it didn't stress me so much. But one can Dream!


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