
By sarah1708

Housemate fun

Today was very unproductive at work. I ended up researching about different microadventures I could do in and around Cambridge. For now, getting up to the hills isn't feasible (I would either need a car for closer hills like in the Peak district, or find some money to get out to Scotland on the sleeper train). However, I am very keen to start up my adventure a week (which used to be called spontaneous Tuesdays in my final year of uni when I had Tuesdays free). I have LOTS of ideas. My current one depends on whether or not a campsite is still open at this time of year - I've emailed to ask, so fingers crossed. I also have all of my adventure planning books and I'm slowly stocking up on maps, so I'm excited for future plans! 

I spent the evening with two of my fantastic housemates, Helen and Pete. We cooked food and chatted for most of the evening (much longer than we meant to!) Pete is growing herbs at the moment so Helen and him decided to smell them for my photo - I appreciate their effort! :) 

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