Donnie or Darla

I searched high and low and in-between for anything that was a couple. I wanted a set-up for my wedding story. Nothing to be found.

The only big duck that would pose for me was Marilyn. I put her on my flickr all her white-feathered beauty. Her mate stayed away from the camera man.

I ran the soundboard for a wedding today. A first for me. I was so stressed CD picker-outer finger was shaking. The processional music first...followed by the biggie. "HERE COMES THE BRIDE!!!" (How come I still think...BIG, FAT, AND WIDE...?"

A quick switch to the candle-lighting song...and then the big instrumental finale...after their first kiss. HA!

It was one of those mixed family weddings. Think the Brady Bunch. There were 6 kids walking down the aisle...with another helping the ushers. 2 little girls were so small...they had to be brought down in a wagon.

I thought that between a novice sound man, and all those kids...that we had a recipe for disaster. The kids did better than I did. In all my worries about the music...I forgot to unmute the minister. When I did push him on...his microphone SPRANG to life...much too loudly. People looked back at me...but I quickly cowered behind the sound system.

No couples to be photographed...but I still wish the new married couple a good run. They didn't ask...but I would have been glad to give them my favorite wedding advice. GIVE...GIVE...GIVE (75%)...then TAKE .(25%) If both husband and wife try to do makes for a lot of giving.

As the new couple released their guests...I switched on the hand-held microphone. I gave them my best Captain Steubing (The Love Boat) impression. "Love...exciting and new...come aboard...we're expecting you." Just might be my first and last soundboard gig.

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