Selfies from the Brink

By Markus_Hediger


"Can I take your Picture?"
"NO!" Her answer was loud and clear.
"Can I take pictures of your dolls?"
A smile appeared on her face and she nodded.
We spent half an hour sending her dolls over the improvised catwalk on the couch, all the while Valentina was getting used to the presence of my camera. Every time I thought a picture expressed perfectly the character of a specific doll, I showed it to her. She began to respect me as a man who knew what he was doing.

Valentina lives in a beautiful house with a beautiful yard surrounded by high walls. The house itself was built in a high-class walled-in community. Both her parents are well respected and high paid professionals. Valentina spends her mornings in kindergarten and her afternoons at home, where a baby-sitter takes care of her. The only children she meets are her friends at kindergarten. It's a lonely life for a child, and it shows: Valentina appears to be a very vulnerable, solitary child, and that's what I wanted to show in my blip for today.

After she had gotten used to my camera, I asked her again if I could take her picture. This time she gave me permission. I expected her to smile at the camera, the same way she had smiled and laughed during our fashion session, but while I positioned myself, she grabbed one of her dolls and moved to the very edge of the couch. where she waited for the "click" of my camera.

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