People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Soul of the window

Most of our super duper windows were installed today. They are white. They keep the heat out in the summer, and keep the heat in during winter. Yey!

I am grateful for Cory's relationship with Wes,the manager of Bell's Building Supply, one of our local hardware stores. Because of the Museum project, Cory has been working with Wes for the past three years. Wes has not only sold Cory whatever he needed for the Museum at a discount, but he also has solved many construction problems that Cory and the students faced at the site. Wes also helped me with studying for one part of my licensing exam by taking me on an extensive tour of their hardware section and explaining what fastener is used for what connection. Puzzled, I asked him one day how come he knows so much about building technology, was it his major in college? He answered with a big smile that his major in college was Greek theater (for all of you non-Americans, this means he spent four years partying with the fraternities, aka Greek system), however he has worked in construction one way or another for 20 some years.

Ordering the windows from Bell's for our home was a no-brainer. We know them, we trust them.The cool and surprising part was that Wes came out today and helped the contractors with the window installation. I am guessing he misses hands-on stuff after being cooped up in his office all day in his managerial position. Or maybe he thinks we are nice people, and he wanted to make sure all went smoothly with the install. In any case, Wes and Cory took the old windows out and put the small new windows in, leaving the large one for the proper contractors. Good time was had by all. My good time started as soon as I cleaned up all the trash and started taking pictures. I was so excited, I even did a self portrait. :-) That's me, with one of the new windows!

Additional gratitude goes to Veronika, who watched Julian the whole day today to keep him out of trouble. Thank you!

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