mode: stalking...


by miss mollie-boo

wanna guess what she was stalking? - go ahead, take a gander - could be anything - what'dya have to lose? - give up?

i'll let you in on a secret - i always give up with mollie - i never have a clue on this earth as to what she's stalking - today was no different - here it appears she's totally focused on something, right? - and she was, it's just that it was nothing which she was focused on - is that too funny or what? - that's usually the way it is with miss mollie-boo - she gets herself all worked up - twirling this way & that on the floor or furniture - to the point i would swear she was after some big major something or other - yet when i look, there's absolutely nothing there - then i giggle beyond giggling so mollie is just staring at me - like i'm a crazy person - not understanding she's the one who started it all in the 1st place - it's so cool when you can have fun with your pets - enjoy them completely and know they help to make it...


happy day.....

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